WHo is Design by Umeå?
There is a number of organizations behind the collaborative platform that is Design by Umeå. We are highlighting design stories, projects and creative initiatives based in and around Umeå.
Learn more about it's purpose, who's involved and how you can get ingaged!

This is Design by Umeå
A platform for visualizing smart and progressive solutions within the design movement taking place in Umeå, a young and rapidly growing university city in the north of Sweden. Characterized by openminded people full of initiative, who help each other forward. We welcome the new – people, cultural expressions, research findings and design.
News and Events
We want designers that are able to work collaboratively in teams. And we find that the students from Umeå are very good at that.
Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO, on why his company recruits design talent from Umeå.
Design stories from the north
Design with Umeå
We believe that design is key in creating our sustainable future. A process that listens, learns, and ultimately designs a solution that is better than the former. Whether it is products, urban development, interaction, research, or services. Umeå values and honors the qualities that characterize good design: knowledge, experience and confidence, curiosity, craftsmanship and perhaps above all - a willingness to cooperate.

Connect with us
We are always open to new ideas, looking to colaborate in making our events more creative and engaging!
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